Curriculum Framework
HCA will establish a curriculum framework for each subject area in pre-kindergarten and grades K-12. These frameworks shall contain goals and objectives that identify the minimum content required at each grade level. Each curriculum framework must include instructional objectives designed to reach each objective in the framework skills and activities, and an evaluation plan. Academic goals are established by the staff in accordance with the Tennessee State Board of Education for each subject at each grade level. Students are required to adhere to classroom schedules for completion of all objectives except in the case of remedial or independent study courses, for which individual goals and schedules will be set by
the teacher and principal. Because we use a multi-level approach with several groups under the direction of a single teacher, it will be important for students to learn to work independently as well as cooperatively during each class session. We see this as a benefit that will enhance our students’ ability to learn and to take responsibility for the quality of their educational experience.