Student Progress
Reporting Student Progress to Parents
Reporting student progress is an important part of parent/teacher communications, intended to communicate the
growth and success of each student. Several reporting methods may be utilized.
• Quarterly Grade Report: The quarterly grade report reflects the numerical averages for each subject
each quarter and the cumulative grade for the year.
• Conferences: Parent conferences can be a part of the school’s reporting process. Parents are expected
to attend scheduled conferences. Conferences may be scheduled at the request of either the parent or the teacher.
• Parent Visitation: Parents may visit the school on an informal basis to observe their child in the instructional setting. Please make appointments in advance.
• Achievement Test Growth Profile: Growth profiles are graphic representations of student growth over an extended period of time. Achievement test scores form the database for this reporting. The Stanford 10 Achievement Test will be given annually and graded by the Pearson Assessments Company. Testing is required for grades 2 – 9; grades 10, 11 and 12 may elect to take the ACT instead of the Stanford 10 Test.